
Kolsyn Goes Home in Time for the Holidays

January 18, 2023

Kolsyn Goes Home in Time for the Holidays

Kolsyn recently left the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit to go home with mom and dad for the very first time — and it was just in time for the holiday season.

Born prematurely at 24 weeks, Kolsyn has complex respiratory diagnoses, including needing a tracheostomy. To bring Kolsyn home and learn how to take care of a ventilator-dependent child safely, mom and dad chose Good Shepherd for his inpatient rehabilitation.

The inpatient Pediatrics team sent off the family with a bubble parade as they left the unit.

Complex Respiratory Rehabilitation – Pediatrics

As the only CARF-accredited pediatric rehabilitation facility in eastern Pennsylvania, the Good Shepherd Pediatric Unit in Bethlehem, Pa., has a Complex Respiratory Program.

The program treats children — from birth to age 21 — with acute or chronic lung disease with varying oxygen or ventilatory needs. Led by Kimberly Kuchinski, MD, MPH, Good Shepherd’s medical director of pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation, the Pediatric Unit’s clinical staff works as a team to wean or simplify respiratory support for infants and children who require oxygen, artificial airways or mechanical ventilation.

Also known as NICU Graduate or “Baby Steps,” the program’s aim is to optimize children’s respiratory function to prevent complications, advance their mobility and self-care and improve communication. Additionally, Good Shepherd’s respiratory therapists are highly-skilled in education, treatment and maintenance of patients diagnosed with both acute and chronic pulmonary disorders.

Diagnoses our Complex Respiratory Program treats include:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Chronic lung disease with oxygen dependence
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Extreme prematurity
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Tracheomalacia
  • Ventilator dependence

To learn more about the program or to choose Good Shepherd for your child’s inpatient rehabilitation needs, contact us online or call 1-888-44-REHAB (73422).